Equipped with state of the art machineries, the factory is located in Kawadi, Charsindur, Palas, Narsindi, Bangladesh. Deshbandhu Food & Beverage Limited (DFBL) is an integrated beverage company which production capacity is 1, 00,000 Bottle per hour. Human resources are the most valuable asset for DFBL, so our priority is the implementation of good employment practices, including a policy of continuous staff training and strict adherence to Safety and Hygiene rules. We operate in full harmony with the natural environment (architecturally and functionally) and make sure to support actions that solve problems in the daily life of local people, aiming for the water.
Our Production Unit features the latest equipment, specially designed storage spaces and FIFO logistics system, while the products of DFBL are subject to strict laboratory tests and are bottled in green PET packaging.